Future Enhancement?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Kasta
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Joe Kasta

Just wondering:

Is Microsoft planning, at some point, to add direct Burn-To-DVD support?

I know there is additional software which will burn to a DVD, but I rather
like the one-stop-shop of iTunes and didn't know if Microsoft was going to
up the ante.

Additionally, how much work is involved to burn to a DVD? Do I do my editing
in MM2 and then import into the additional software, then do more editing?
Or is it simple run the burning software, with no changes?

Microsoft doesn't share their plans, if any - about this topic.

Joe, is it really one-stop. I read books about iMovie and iDVD, and it seems
that they are two separate apps. You save a movie in iMovie, and then open
iDVD to make the DVD. How does that differ from saving one in MM2 and
opening MyDVD? (other than the obvious - software from two different

If MyDVD was from Microsoft, would you feel that it matched iMovie and
iDVD?? Or would something else be needed?

Probably there is no difference. I don't find myself to be a Microsoft bigot
or anything. I have only seen people use iMovie and see them burn it to a
DVD. I thought it was the same app. Guess I was wrong.

Perhaps I better lay all of my cards on the table.. My wife saw someone
using an iBook to make movies, and she wants to have an iBook to do the
same.. I don't feel like dishing out that kind of money, and I'm not a huge
Apple fan to begin with. I just wanted to see whether or not MM2 is a
bonifide application with good support and ease-of-use, and not a *tack on*
application. I've seen both types from Microsoft ..Media Player is great..
But Microsoft Bob definately was a tack-on app (if you can call it that).

Let me know if you have any *fuel* to use in the MM2 or iMovie app debate.

Thanks Joe,

Maybe I can help you, and hurt your wife.

The SimplyDV.com site is run by a bunch of tried and true, and very
experienced, Apple/Mac people. Colin Barrett, is always writing articles
which review hardware and software.

Last month, an article he wrote comparing MM2 and iMovie3 was in a British
magazine. I haven't read it yet, but it'll be posted to his website as soon
as the newsstand copies are replaced with the next issue.

As Colin was writing it, he started a forum devoted to Movie Maker 2 - in
the middle of Apple-Land. And he asked me to be the moderator, which I am.

Colin started the article expecting to conclude that iMovie3 was the
superior product. He ended up with the opposite and has been eating lots of

If you can stall a bit until Colin's article is posted. I'll go ask him when
it will.

Also, you can go to the SimplyDV.com site and see the postings - there are
links to the overall site on the Camcorders.... General page, and to the
MM2 forum in it on the Online... Forums page of my www.papajohn.org website.

I don't think MM2 is a cousin of Bob. But, maybe your wife should get her
Mac. Then you can spar using your computers - much better than other
methods. She should be the one to make the final decision - if not, you will
have to live forever with "we should have.....".

Thanks for your info. I'd love to read the article. No article is without
bias, however, it's interesting that his bias was against MM2, and turned
out in favor of it. Please share, when you can, the link to the article.

My wife isn't *set* on a Mac, but is leaning a little in that direction. If
MM2 is better than iMovie3, she might lean the other way.

I just checked with Colin - posting the article is on his to-do list, but he
has a pretty big plate, so I really don't expect it soon.

His bias wasn't against MM2. It was for iMovie.

If your wife has computer experience with a Mac, then getting one would
probably be the right thing. I wouldn't make a decision about which platform
to purchase based on either iMovie or MM2. They just get to you as part of
the decision.