The people that are attacking Fussy are going to far. So what if you
don't like his software, quit wasting space in this newsgroup attacking
him. When I was at one of my favorite download sites, Softpedia, one of
his programs was rated "very good".
Your responses are crude and distasteful, using asterisks to substitute
a "u" does not make it less offensive.
There are a group of people that are using this newsgroup as a type of
"club" or "gang" to unleash their own inadequacies on someone else.
I wonder if any of these hecklers have attempted to create any software
themselves, probably not. At least this guy is making an effort to
create something.
I'm not offended by Fussy using this newsgroup, I am offended by those
who attack him and litter my favorite newsgroup with their posts.
Mark James
PS Sorry for not posting correctly, I'm reposting as a new subject
rather that changing the subject heading on a "reply"
don't like his software, quit wasting space in this newsgroup attacking
him. When I was at one of my favorite download sites, Softpedia, one of
his programs was rated "very good".
Your responses are crude and distasteful, using asterisks to substitute
a "u" does not make it less offensive.
There are a group of people that are using this newsgroup as a type of
"club" or "gang" to unleash their own inadequacies on someone else.
I wonder if any of these hecklers have attempted to create any software
themselves, probably not. At least this guy is making an effort to
create something.
I'm not offended by Fussy using this newsgroup, I am offended by those
who attack him and litter my favorite newsgroup with their posts.
Mark James
PS Sorry for not posting correctly, I'm reposting as a new subject
rather that changing the subject heading on a "reply"