Further to macros


P D Sterling

Thanks to the poster who unlocked the macro mystery - I did a nice
little macro and did twice the work in the last few hours. One problem -
this was to, from a given point, choose the entire row, mouse down one
row and delete the two rows. When I did this by macro, there seemed to
be no chance to undelete. Can anyone shed light on this?

I did check the wording of the macro, and there was no SAVE command in
it. Any advice gratefully appreciated.


P D Sterling
Dallas TX

Bernie Deitrick

P D,

When Excel runs a macro, it clears the undo stack. So you need to be sure that you really want to
do what the macro does.... otherwise, you need to revert to your last saved version.

MS Excel MVP

P D Sterling

danke schoen


P D Sterling
Dallas TX

Bernie said:
P D,

When Excel runs a macro, it clears the undo stack. So you need to be sure that you really want to
do what the macro does.... otherwise, you need to revert to your last saved version.

MS Excel MVP

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