further important clue to my WMM problems:::

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In my ongoing quest (about a month now) to clean up the excessive jerky, hic-cup-py platyback of video in my WMM2, I want to add the following clue: After I capture video, there is that horizontal green progress bar, that I think(?) says somethng like "loading", but now it just zips(!) right through itself instantly ... whereas in the past when my WMM2 was working *right*, that bar would slowly progress left-to-right as it gauged the processing of my captured video

Anyhow, nowadys, it does none of that - it just blows right through it. Can this suggest something? Is something zapped on my system? I've tried reloading WMM2 a few times; no luck

... still stranded on an island .. with no WMM2 to play with ..... help ..

Thanks, Michael
Hi there,

Your message, on my system at least, appears to be the first from you even
though it clearly is not. So my answer may not be appropriate if you have
already mentioned something elsewhere.

The green bar you mention (a progress bar) is simply that...if you have the
create clips option enabled when capturing then MM2 is simply creating
those clips. Clips can be made by MM2 if there is a date time stamp on the
video and if memory serves if there is a scene change...that's when you
stopped recording with the camera and started recording a different scene
(if you see what I mean). If neither of those conditions exist AND you have
the create clips option selected then the progress bar would "zip through"

To the best of my knowledge, and I will be happy to be proved wrong, there
is no progress bar whilst you are in the act of capturing to file...how
could there be...the program does not know how long the video is....unless
you have told the program to capture a set number of minutes from your

In any case, none of these seems to be heading towards a resolution of the
first problem you mention...that is the excessive jerky, hic-cup playback
of video. The playback of a video has absolutely nothing to do with
capturing the video with one exception...well three really..

1) your computer is not up to the job
2) your computer is performing to many simultaneous tasks
3) your hard drive is badly fragmented and combined with either 1 or 2 above
this causes delays and consequently dropped frames in the captured video.

I don't understand what you mean by "It blows through it"

In order that we may help you more properly you will need to give us some
concise indications of exactly what you are doing and what the program does
in response to that action.
Thanks for that reply

Well, what I meant is once I "finish" capturing, then that green progress bar follows.

No, not during capture. But I've always captured with "create Clips" in the "off" position

But once again, my system did capture and re-play back video smoothly and happily ... used to do it all the time fine

And that was even the case even though I did not turn other backkground things off. Oh, and I just did a degrag' too, hoping that would work

But I still get this jerky playback that's unreal. ... even if all I capture is a 30-second video ..

I'm doing Mini-dv camcorder via Firewire, and in AVI mode. Very fast computer, plenty of hard drive space and memory. I've adjusted all the hardware accel. stuff I can ... turned off everything i can ... disabled everything else I can

I've run a DXdiag; I've tried differnt screen refresh rates; ... gosh other stuff too .. too many ot list ..

Hope someone can direct me with any help ...

Thanks a lot
