Funny spam - cheaters cheating other cheaters

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kerry Brown
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Kerry Brown

I know, I know, not everyone who uses bittorrent is downloading warez or
movies but the software they're spamming about is a touch ironic.
That's a complicated question when you consider the scheme of things,
particularly the disingenuous game MSFT plays with information on this Beta
toward the public.

They keep all the chats, and Live Meetings private although some sites and
MSFT bloggers post selected chats, and they put out a product manual that is
a superficial cheerleading piece of crap with no substantive information on
most of Vista. Why shouldn't people access torrents for things like a Beta?

I don't know if you've seen the NY Times article lately (last week) but
Torrent technology is going to be mainstream and fully legal as a more
efficient way of distributing software, and many startups have money in it
to the tune of 26 million bucks in the Silicon Valley area of California.
If I find the article, I'll post it.

And I predicate it will soon be on bittorrent with a ser/keygen so the joke
will be on them.

I know there are may good uses of torrents. The technology is also much
abused. I suspect that the people interested in the program the spammer was
promoting fit into the abuser category.
The torrents can be set to optimally download much faster than they upload;
complete the download; and then stop the upload. It doesn't kill the seed
and they can be tweaked in many ways to be optimal. There are apps to make
them behave the way you want.

I remeber now that the article I read on new Torrent startups was in IBD
(Investor's Biz Daily) Wed Aug 16, 2006:

It featured companies like Cache Logic that has a special tool to manage P2P
traffic. They have $28 million in venture company funding, including $20
million raised during July.

Warner Bros. has an agreement with Bit Torrent to distribute movies. Bit
Torrent has 70 million users world wide.

Verisign is launching P2P Kontiki, and so are Neo-Edge and EMI launching

I'd be real surprise MSFT doesn't find its way into the Torrent Business and
also into a new encryption business that is revolutionary that Cleversafe
is doing by open source distributed data storage--in the area of distributed
file systems research.
