I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this
question, but I know people here know access, so heres the
I am trying to automate an update process through VB.
This NT service simply runs 10 consecutive queries that
reside within an access database. The queries are run by
operators through the database front end as well.
Functions written within a module in the database reside
in some of the queries. As you can imagine, the queries
run perfectly when run from the database, however, when
running from my application, it doesn't recognize the
function name. While I did expect this somewhat, I
haven't been able to find a workaround. Changing the
queries is out of the question, so I am left with this
problem to solve.
The query is below. Just to help put things in
perspective, we are running DAO 3.6, access 97, Visual
Basic 5, and NT 4. Thank you.
INSERT INTO Warehouse ( Docket, Customer, GameName,
OrderQty, ESS, ESSQty, ImpressionLength, FinishingPlant,
TktsPerFt, FtRequired, StockType, DieCut, Laminated,
TargetYield, ActualYield, YieldVariance, BalanceMethod,
LastUpdated )
SELECT WarehouseData.Docket, WarehouseData.CustomerName AS
Customer, WarehouseData.GameName, WarehouseData.OrderQty,
WarehouseData.ESS, WarehouseData.ESSQty,
WarehouseData.FinishingPlant, WarehouseData.TktsPerFt,
WarehouseData.FtRequired, WarehouseData.StockType,
WarehouseData.DieCut, WarehouseData.Laminated,
RoundIt([WarehouseData]![TargetYield],4) AS TargetYield, 0
AS ActualYield, 0 AS YieldVariance,
WarehouseData.BalanceMethod, WarehouseData.LastUpdated
FROM WarehouseData LEFT JOIN Warehouse ON
WarehouseData.Docket = Warehouse.Docket
WHERE (((Warehouse.Docket) Is Null));
The function is:
Function RoundIt(ByVal dblNumber As Double, ByVal
intDecimals As Integer) As Double ' changed fom public to
On Error GoTo RoundError
Dim lngFactor As Long
Select Case intDecimals
Case 0
RoundIt = Int(dblNumber + 0.5)
Case Is > 0
lngFactor = 10 ^ Abs(intDecimals)
RoundIt = (Int((dblNumber * lngFactor) +
0.5)) / lngFactor
Case Is < 0
lngFactor = 10 ^ Abs(intDecimals)
RoundIt = (Int((dblNumber / lngFactor) + 0.5))
* lngFactor
End Select
Exit Function
RoundIt = 0
Resume RoundExit
End Function
question, but I know people here know access, so heres the
I am trying to automate an update process through VB.
This NT service simply runs 10 consecutive queries that
reside within an access database. The queries are run by
operators through the database front end as well.
Functions written within a module in the database reside
in some of the queries. As you can imagine, the queries
run perfectly when run from the database, however, when
running from my application, it doesn't recognize the
function name. While I did expect this somewhat, I
haven't been able to find a workaround. Changing the
queries is out of the question, so I am left with this
problem to solve.
The query is below. Just to help put things in
perspective, we are running DAO 3.6, access 97, Visual
Basic 5, and NT 4. Thank you.
INSERT INTO Warehouse ( Docket, Customer, GameName,
OrderQty, ESS, ESSQty, ImpressionLength, FinishingPlant,
TktsPerFt, FtRequired, StockType, DieCut, Laminated,
TargetYield, ActualYield, YieldVariance, BalanceMethod,
LastUpdated )
SELECT WarehouseData.Docket, WarehouseData.CustomerName AS
Customer, WarehouseData.GameName, WarehouseData.OrderQty,
WarehouseData.ESS, WarehouseData.ESSQty,
WarehouseData.FinishingPlant, WarehouseData.TktsPerFt,
WarehouseData.FtRequired, WarehouseData.StockType,
WarehouseData.DieCut, WarehouseData.Laminated,
RoundIt([WarehouseData]![TargetYield],4) AS TargetYield, 0
AS ActualYield, 0 AS YieldVariance,
WarehouseData.BalanceMethod, WarehouseData.LastUpdated
FROM WarehouseData LEFT JOIN Warehouse ON
WarehouseData.Docket = Warehouse.Docket
WHERE (((Warehouse.Docket) Is Null));
The function is:
Function RoundIt(ByVal dblNumber As Double, ByVal
intDecimals As Integer) As Double ' changed fom public to
On Error GoTo RoundError
Dim lngFactor As Long
Select Case intDecimals
Case 0
RoundIt = Int(dblNumber + 0.5)
Case Is > 0
lngFactor = 10 ^ Abs(intDecimals)
RoundIt = (Int((dblNumber * lngFactor) +
0.5)) / lngFactor
Case Is < 0
lngFactor = 10 ^ Abs(intDecimals)
RoundIt = (Int((dblNumber / lngFactor) + 0.5))
* lngFactor
End Select
Exit Function
RoundIt = 0
Resume RoundExit
End Function