Functions not working in Excel 2000


jose luis

Hello Forum Pals:

I have an app running in Excel 2002 and 2003 without problems, but when
used in PCs with Excel 2000. The app breaks in some functions already
working. The functions are : Environ and Format. I changed the Format
to FormatPercentage and seems be recognizable by the Excel 2000. But I
'm still having troubles with Environ function.

Why do you think these functions are not working in Excel 2000 when
they work in Excel 2003?

Could you give a hint on how to proceed with this trouble?

Any help will be welcomed


Jose Luis

Tom Ogilvy

Format has worked since xl5

Environ has worked at least since xl97.

Perhaps you have a missing reference in tools references.

jose luis

Thanks Tom,

I will check References in Tools in VBA Editor. The strange think it's
the rest of the application and functions are working. I found several
Visual Basic for Applications options in the References Menu, each one
with different file location, I'll try some of them to see if its the
Language or something, because some PC's are running with the system in
english and some in spanish.

Thank you again for your help , I let you know the solution ( if I find
it :) )


Jose Luis

jose luis

Tom ... Jose Luis again.

I checked the references in diferent PC and found no differences, th
worst part is that now the application is breaking in all kind o
functions: Left, Chr, Environ, Format. In your last reply pointed a
some reference may be missing. The same file from the same sourc
works fine in Excel 2002 or 2003. Just breaks in Excel 2000. Could yo
give me another hint on what to check to put this app to run?

I´ll appreciate any help, cause this is turning like a Demento
(extracts my entusiam and joy :) )

Best regards

Jose Lui


I'm with Tom on this.

The problems you describe are typical for xl running when one of
it's referenced dll's is listed as "MISSING".
It then "cracks" on the seemingly unrelated VBA functions.

RECHECK the references on the Xl2000 machine.

If you have option explicit at the top of your modules
compiling the project should catch most most problems.
(unless all variables are dimmed as variants..)

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

jose luis wrote :

jose luis

Thank you both Tom & keepitcool

Finally i found the error following your sugestions. I was not a
missing reference, it was and ADDED reference called " Ref Edit" turned
on. I looked at the references again as you sugested when i saw that
reference that I didn't met before. I turned off and all went to

Thanks again for your help, the finger error that surely i made was
causing me headaches.

Best regards

Jose Luis


arghh... confusion over "ADDED" and "MISSING"..
excel mumbojumbo may be confusing..

when a reference is added and functioning on one PC.
then opened on another machine (without the referenced dll)

you WILL see it in the list in the References dialog
BUT identified as "MISSING" (possibly localized in your excel version)

happy to see it solved :)

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

jose luis wrote :

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