Functions and Ranges

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The following code is an exerpt from an Access module that drops records into Excel. Once in Excel I want to run functions on the entire column of data like sum(c1:c52), but come up with errors. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance, Forrest

' to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Do Until Rs.EOF
For i = 0 To Rs.Fields.Count - 1
CurrentField = Rs(i)
Sheet.cells(j, i + 1).Value = CurrentField
Next i
j = j + 1

' Sum range of cells.
Sheet.cells(j, i).Value = Sheet.range("C50").Value + _
why not just use

..Range("C2").CopyFromRecordset Rs

Patrick Molloy
Microsoft Excel MVP
-----Original Message-----
The following code is an exerpt from an Access module
that drops records into Excel. Once in Excel I want to
run functions on the entire column of data like sum
(c1:c52), but come up with errors. Any thoughts? Thanks
in advance, Forrest