Jim Burke in Novi
I want to take a string and replace any special characters like ()%$#- with a
space. For example, if the string is '(ABC # 123 $)' I want to return ' ABC
123 '. Is there a function to do this? Replace only searches for one
specific string, but I need to say replace any single special character with
a space. I know I can write my own function, but it seems that there would be
one that does this. In the ancient days of mainframe programming I seem to
remember a function called TRANSLATE that did this. Any help is appreciated.
Jim B
space. For example, if the string is '(ABC # 123 $)' I want to return ' ABC
123 '. Is there a function to do this? Replace only searches for one
specific string, but I need to say replace any single special character with
a space. I know I can write my own function, but it seems that there would be
one that does this. In the ancient days of mainframe programming I seem to
remember a function called TRANSLATE that did this. Any help is appreciated.
Jim B