function to convert string to 1 dimensional array of long


Mattias Sjögren

function to convert string to 1 dimensional array of long in VB.Net

What do you expect that Long array to contain? Character codes? can
you give an example of the expected output for a given input?



Not exactly sure what you're after, but at a guess you have a comma-delimited
string in your xml file? And you want those values in an array of Long. If
that's the case:

(assume myNode is an XmlNode)

'get the comma-delimited string
'and split it into a string array
Dim temp() As String = myNode.InnerText.Split(",")

'convert the string array to an array of long
dim myLongArray() as long
temp.CopyTo(myLongArray, 0)

'continue processing with myLongArray



Cor Ligthert [MVP]


I had the same idea as Mattias, with this question.

How can you put a string in a long. The only thing I can imaging is to put
every char from a string in a long array, however seems for me a little bit
without sense to convert a codetable depended Unicode datum to long.

Just my thought,



I am working on application that requires downloading data from the remote
databse by creating a refernce to it's web services.In my GUI, I have a
combobox for table name to query and the starttime and end time to get data
for.Let's suppose I want to query positions table, the function for that in
proxy class is mentioned below, where AssetList is an XML node containing a
list of one or more Assets.Assset is an XML node with the attribute of it's
unique id number.AssetID is the unique identification number of the asset.

This is the function
Public Function ExportPositions(ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal
StartDateTime As Date, ByVal EndDateTime As Date,
IsNullable:=false)> ByVal AssetList() As Long) As Position()
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("ExportPositions", New Object()
{SessionID, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, AssetList})

Return CType(results(0),Position())

End Function

I am doing this for download button:

Private Sub btdownload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btdownload.Click

'Dim nsmgr As XmlNamespaceManager
'nsmgr = New XmlNamespaceManager(filterDoc.NameTable)

Dim EDP As ExportData.ExportDataWS
EDP = New ExportData.ExportDataWS

Dim doc As XmlDocument
doc = New XmlDocument

Dim node As XmlNode

Dim noderead As XmlNodeReader
noderead = New XmlNodeReader(node)


Dim elementnode As String
Dim nodecontents As String
cmbStartDateandTime.SelectedText, cmbAsset.SelectedIndex))

For Each node In doc

While (noderead.Read())

If (noderead.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element) Then

'string elementnode, nodecontents
nodecontents = noderead.ReadString()

If (nodecontents Is Nothing) Then

nodecontents = noderead.Value.ToString()

elementnode = noderead.Name
Label2.Text += elementnode + "-" + nodecontents +

End If

End If
End While


My first question is: Can I query the methodGetPositions without creating a
combobox for tables? If yes, how.

If no, then I will be using combobox and it's text is in string then how can
I convert it into Long() and put it in the line:
cmbStartDateandTime.SelectedText, cmbAsset.SelectedIndex))

I thanku all in advance for your time and pls reply asap.It's really urgent...


Just a quick note: cmbAsset is a combobox having the list of tables

Now, when I use this is in the following line, I get the error: string can't
be converted to an Array of Long

cmbStartDateandTime.SelectedText, cmbAsset.SelectedIndex))

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