Function Returns Multidim Array

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Is it possible to make a function return a multidimensional array? I can make
my function return an array, but I can't use the index to return the values
(e.g. MyMultiArray(1, 2)).

Here's my attempt:
Public Function LkpArray()

Dim strLkpMatrix(6, 2) As String

strLkpMatrix(0, 0) = "Lv1"
strLkpMatrix(0, 1) = "Level 1"
strLkpMatrix(0, 2) = "I1CLS"
strLkpMatrix(1, 0) = "Lv2"
strLkpMatrix(1, 1) = "Level 2"
strLkpMatrix(1, 2) = "I1DIV"
strLkpMatrix(2, 0) = "Lv3"
strLkpMatrix(2, 1) = "Level 3"
strLkpMatrix(2, 2) = "I1GRP"
strLkpMatrix(3, 0) = "Lv4"
strLkpMatrix(3, 1) = "Level 4"
strLkpMatrix(3, 2) = "I1CAT"
strLkpMatrix(4, 0) = "Lv5"
strLkpMatrix(4, 1) = "Level 5"
strLkpMatrix(4, 2) = "I1SCT"
strLkpMatrix(5, 0) = "Bind"
strLkpMatrix(5, 1) = "Binding"
strLkpMatrix(6, 0) = "Impt"
strLkpMatrix(6, 1) = "Imprint"
strLkpMatrix(6, 2) = "I1BRNC"

LkpArray = strLkpMatrix()

End Function
Murp said:
Is it possible to make a function return a multidimensional array? I can make
my function return an array, but I can't use the index to return the values
(e.g. MyMultiArray(1, 2)).

Here's my attempt:
Public Function LkpArray()

Dim strLkpMatrix(6, 2) As String

strLkpMatrix(0, 0) = "Lv1"
strLkpMatrix(0, 1) = "Level 1"
strLkpMatrix(0, 2) = "I1CLS"
strLkpMatrix(1, 0) = "Lv2"
strLkpMatrix(1, 1) = "Level 2"
strLkpMatrix(1, 2) = "I1DIV"
strLkpMatrix(2, 0) = "Lv3"
strLkpMatrix(2, 1) = "Level 3"
strLkpMatrix(2, 2) = "I1GRP"
strLkpMatrix(3, 0) = "Lv4"
strLkpMatrix(3, 1) = "Level 4"
strLkpMatrix(3, 2) = "I1CAT"
strLkpMatrix(4, 0) = "Lv5"
strLkpMatrix(4, 1) = "Level 5"
strLkpMatrix(4, 2) = "I1SCT"
strLkpMatrix(5, 0) = "Bind"
strLkpMatrix(5, 1) = "Binding"
strLkpMatrix(6, 0) = "Impt"
strLkpMatrix(6, 1) = "Imprint"
strLkpMatrix(6, 2) = "I1BRNC"

LkpArray = strLkpMatrix()

End Function

The function must return a Variant type containing the

Public Function LkpArray() As Variant

Since you did not specify the type of the function's return
value, it defaults to Variant, so your function is doing
what you want.

Maybe the issue is in how you are assigning the function's
result?? It should be something like:

Dim MyMultiArray As Variant
MyMultiArray = LkpArray()
x = MyMultiArray(1, 2)
I can make
my function return an array, but I can't use the index to return the values

This is a very subtle difference to what Marsh suggested, but it returns the
String value based upon the indexes passed to it for the multi-dimensional

Public Function LkpArray(nCateg As Long, nSubCateg As Long) As String

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim strLkpMatrix(6, 2) As String

strLkpMatrix(0, 0) = "Lv1"
strLkpMatrix(0, 1) = "Level 1"
strLkpMatrix(0, 2) = "I1CLS"
strLkpMatrix(1, 0) = "Lv2"
strLkpMatrix(1, 1) = "Level 2"
strLkpMatrix(1, 2) = "I1DIV"
strLkpMatrix(2, 0) = "Lv3"
strLkpMatrix(2, 1) = "Level 3"
strLkpMatrix(2, 2) = "I1GRP"
strLkpMatrix(3, 0) = "Lv4"
strLkpMatrix(3, 1) = "Level 4"
strLkpMatrix(3, 2) = "I1CAT"
strLkpMatrix(4, 0) = "Lv5"
strLkpMatrix(4, 1) = "Level 5"
strLkpMatrix(4, 2) = "I1SCT"
strLkpMatrix(5, 0) = "Bind"
strLkpMatrix(5, 1) = "Binding"
strLkpMatrix(6, 0) = "Impt"
strLkpMatrix(6, 1) = "Imprint"
strLkpMatrix(6, 2) = "I1BRNC"

LkpArray = strLkpMatrix(nCateg, nSubCateg)

Exit Function


MsgBox "Error in LkpArray( )." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Function ' LkpArray( )

Example usage:

Public Sub testLkUpArray()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

MsgBox LkpArray(1, 2) ' Displays "I1DIV"

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in testLkUpArray( )." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub


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Certainly valid Gunny, but then the entire function must be
executed for every reference to an element. The way Murp
was doing it, the array only needs to be initialized once.