I'm a new user to this site. I've used it to get this far, but now I'm stuck.
50 has quantity values, which can alter
I11:I50 have a pull down menu (as do columns K, M, O)
J11:J50 have a length, which can alter (as do columns L, N, P)
I66 onwards has each value of the pull down menu (10 values) with the total
meterage to be (hopefully) in the next cell. Currently, it works but without
multiply it with the values in D, so total material meterage is short!
Current formula: =(SUMIF($I$11:$I$47,"value1",
This is repeated in 10 rows, changing "vaule1" accordingly.
/1000 is just a convertion from mm to m.
I don't know if "sumif" is correct or???
Hope someone can shed some light on this?
I'm a new user to this site. I've used it to get this far, but now I'm stuck.

I11:I50 have a pull down menu (as do columns K, M, O)
J11:J50 have a length, which can alter (as do columns L, N, P)
I66 onwards has each value of the pull down menu (10 values) with the total
meterage to be (hopefully) in the next cell. Currently, it works but without
multiply it with the values in D, so total material meterage is short!
Current formula: =(SUMIF($I$11:$I$47,"value1",
This is repeated in 10 rows, changing "vaule1" accordingly.
/1000 is just a convertion from mm to m.
I don't know if "sumif" is correct or???
Hope someone can shed some light on this?