'Function A' is not a member of 'Class 1'

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I have a class named CheckVoucherRequest and within it, I have a function
declared thusly:
Public Overloads Shared Function RetrieveAllInfoForVoucherRequests(ByVal
areaID As Integer)

I'm trying to access info for the voucher requests by calling the function
as follows:
Dim gridSource As List(Of CheckVoucherRequest) =
however, the compiler errors out by stating that:
'RetrieveAllInfoForVoucherRequests' is not a member of 'CheckVoucherRequest'.

If I select Class View from the menu, it very plainly shows the routine to
be a public member of CheckVoucherRequest. What gives? Why doesn't the
caller recognize it?
AlBruAn said:
I have a class named CheckVoucherRequest and within it, I have a function
declared thusly:
Public Overloads Shared Function RetrieveAllInfoForVoucherRequests(ByVal
areaID As Integer)

I'm trying to access info for the voucher requests by calling the function
as follows:
Dim gridSource As List(Of CheckVoucherRequest) =
however, the compiler errors out by stating that:
'RetrieveAllInfoForVoucherRequests' is not a member of 'CheckVoucherRequest'.

If I select Class View from the menu, it very plainly shows the routine to
be a public member of CheckVoucherRequest. What gives? Why doesn't the
caller recognize it?

Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates the

See http://www.pobox.com/~skeet/csharp/complete.html for details of
what I mean by that.

(And I'm fine with it being a VB.NET example, of course :)
Jon Skeet said:
Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates the

See http://www.pobox.com/~skeet/csharp/complete.html for details of
what I mean by that.

(And I'm fine with it being a VB.NET example, of course :)
Super! Saves me the time of converting it to C# and hunting down all the
missing ; and wondering why ( ) won't work for holding an indexer's value. :)
Company's internet policy won't allow me access to your site :(
Anyway, abbreviated code-behind for my web form is as follows:
Imports Bcbst.IM.FRO.BusinessObjects
Imports Bcbst.IM.FRO.BusinessObjects.UserControl
Imports Bcbst.IM.Common.DataAccessLayer
Imports Bcbst.IM.FRO.Common
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Net

Partial Class CheckVouchers_CheckVoucherApprovals
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Private currentUser As BcbstUser = Nothing
Private areaID As Integer = Null.NullInteger

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
' Validate user's permissions
currentUser =

areaID = currentUser.AreaId

Dim keyNames As String() = {"ReceiptId"}

Dim gridSource As List(Of CheckVoucherRequest) = _
gridVoucherRequests.DataSource = gridSource
gridVoucherRequests.DataKeyNames = keyNames

End If
End Sub
End Class

Here's an abbreviated copy of my business object class:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Web.UI

Imports Bcbst.IM.Common.DataAccessLayer
Imports Bcbst.IM.FRO.Common

Namespace Bcbst.IM.FRO.BusinessObjects

<Serializable()> _
Public Class CheckVoucherRequest

#Region " Members "
Private _ReceiptID As Integer = -1
Private _EntityPaidID As String = String.Empty
Private _EntityTypeID As Integer = -1
Private _EntityTypeName As String = String.Empty
Private _ClaimNumber As Integer = -1
Private _AmountRequested As Decimal = Null.NullDecimal
Private _VoucherReasonCode As String = String.Empty
Private _VoucherReason As String = String.Empty
Private _EntityType As String = String.Empty
Private _AreaID As Integer = -1
Private _WriteErrors As List(Of CheckVoucherError) = New List(Of

Private Shared _ConnString As String = _
#End Region

Public Shared Function RetrieveAllInfoForVoucherRequests(ByVal areaID As
Integer) 'As List(Of CheckVoucherRequest)
Dim requestList As New List(Of CheckVoucherRequest)

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = SqlDataAccess.ExecuteReader(_ConnString, _
"CheckVoucher.RetrieveInfoForAllRequests", areaID)

While dr.Read()
Dim info As New CheckVoucherRequest(dr("ReceiptID"), _
dr("EntityTypeID"), dr("EntityID"), _
Null.SetNull(dr("ApprovalUserID"), Null.NullString), _
Null.SetNull(dr("ApprovalDate"), Null.NullDate), _
areaID).ToString(), _
Null.SetNull(dr("ApprovalDeniedReason"), Null.NullString), _

End While
Return requestList
End Function
End Class
Super! Saves me the time of converting it to C# and hunting down all the
missing ; and wondering why ( ) won't work for holding an indexer's value. :)

Company's internet policy won't allow me access to your site :(


What I'd really like to see is a version of the code which we can
compile and run ourselves. In other words, it shouldn't be code behind
for a web project (too much hassle to set up) - a simple console
project is easiest. It also shouldn't need to use any classes beyond
the ones shown in the code - after all, we don't need to *do* anything
with the code.

I'd start off by taking your existing business objects library (I'm
assuming it's in its own assembly?) and trying to call the method in
question from a console app. That should give you some more information
about where the problem lies.

One *possible* cause: I don't suppose you've got a property or other
member of your code-behind called CheckVoucherRequest, have you?