-----Original Message-----
try something like
sub foo()
dim wks as worksheet
on error resume next
set wks = worksheets("sheetx")
on error goto 0
if wks is nothing then
msgbox "sheetx does not exist
end if
end sub
Hi Frank,
Here is the context of how I would like it to work:
IF(ISERR('[other sheet.xls]6.04'!$A$11),VLOOKUP('[other
sheet.xls]6.04'!$A$11,'[other sheet.xls]6.04'! $A$7:$G$19,7,0),"-")
if my iserr or some other func that check if this ref is valid returns
false, I get a -, if the ref is valid, I get the lookup.
The iserr is not working this way, it says I have entered my formula
incorrectly because the ref is invalid.
Any ideas?