Fun with post-Vista :o) it's easy!



I've done 3 installs in the past 2 days - one with a Vista SP1 combo (don't
do this at home!), and 2 with a regular legal Vista OEM for my own build (I
screwed up on the first one! heehee) Install is about 20 min. SP1 takes
less than 30 min. Even things I consider "wierd, like coretemp 97,
speeddisk, and si meter all work without a complaiint. The system with
everything on is certainly not slower than XP - maybe faster? snappier?
Currently using Comodo firewall and AVG A/V. I have been able to find all
the nitty gritty OS settings - it's all there. I messed up the Documents
first time around and screwed my Canon camera which accounts for the
re-install. Re-thinking Documents and realizing how this can be a lot
easier. - just backup before you play - I use Acronis 11 TI - I stopped
shadow copy and cleaned things up. Takes about 13 gb on my 27gb partition.
But images to only 5.8gb so there's a lot of air (compressable stuff) in
there.(and 2.5gb paging file). And at first glance, yes, memory use is
much better and paging is way down from XP. I can still dual boot (using
MS boot as set up by Vista during install) to XP, But I don't use it. I
even found out yesterday, on one of my builds, that NWN2 installs and runs,
seemingly fine - something we were all assured a year ago would not be the

So, yeah, I like it. It has a lot of security features that are good for
multi-user situations, but which can be disabled if you choose.

I think the whiners have simply found a home here to talk with each other
in a language they relate to, regardless of how untrue it is. And they
seem to get lots of attention which just makes then keep doing it. But
they are pretty easy to plonk and are harmless to anyone really interested
in finding out about Vista, as I did last week (earlier this week).
(thanks for all the quick and useful answers I got to my questions!!!)

I set up defrag to just do the 2 volumes I need, and wondering just how
well that will work. (thoughts?)

(I use FF and Tbird)
(experience level - I am a geek and was using XP RC1 when it first came out
- cut my teeth on 3.11 and 95)(also IBM mainframe opsyses for 20 years)


Kris said:
I've done 3 installs in the past 2 days - one with a Vista SP1 combo
do this at home!), and 2 with a regular legal Vista OEM for my own build
screwed up on the first one! heehee) Install is about 20 min. SP1 takes
less than 30 min. Even things I consider "wierd, like coretemp 97,
speeddisk, and si meter all work without a complaiint. The system with
everything on is certainly not slower than XP - maybe faster? snappier?
Currently using Comodo firewall and AVG A/V. I have been able to find all
the nitty gritty OS settings - it's all there. I messed up the Documents
first time around and screwed my Canon camera which accounts for the
re-install. Re-thinking Documents and realizing how this can be a lot
easier. - just backup before you play - I use Acronis 11 TI - I stopped
shadow copy and cleaned things up. Takes about 13 gb on my 27gb
But images to only 5.8gb so there's a lot of air (compressable stuff) in
there.(and 2.5gb paging file). And at first glance, yes, memory use is
much better and paging is way down from XP. I can still dual boot (using
MS boot as set up by Vista during install) to XP, But I don't use it. I
even found out yesterday, on one of my builds, that NWN2 installs and
seemingly fine - something we were all assured a year ago would not be the

So, yeah, I like it. It has a lot of security features that are good for
multi-user situations, but which can be disabled if you choose.

I think the whiners have simply found a home here to talk with each other
in a language they relate to, regardless of how untrue it is. And they
seem to get lots of attention which just makes then keep doing it. But
they are pretty easy to plonk and are harmless to anyone really interested
in finding out about Vista, as I did last week (earlier this week).
(thanks for all the quick and useful answers I got to my questions!!!)

I set up defrag to just do the 2 volumes I need, and wondering just how
well that will work. (thoughts?)

The default defrag was once a week -- and mine would never compete. Kept
restarting until it hit the 3 day limit. Of course, there's no indication of
what it did 8-(.

Once I reset the schedule to nightly, it sometimes runs 5 minutes, sometimes
5 hours..... but it does complete.



The default defrag was once a week -- and mine would never compete. Kept
restarting until it hit the 3 day limit. Of course, there's no indication of
what it did 8-(.

Once I reset the schedule to nightly, it sometimes runs 5 minutes, sometimes
5 hours..... but it does complete.


Interesting - Thanks, Mike! Done. Now where do I find out what it has
actually done? tia!

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