So, I got a whole batch of these cute little net appliances. They're
kind of cool. 64Mb ram and a cyrix m2 266mhz chip. I've decided to play
with them to see what I could do as far as hacking them goes.
What I know:
They will boot from *any* live linux CD (so far). I think they will
boot from any cd in general, not I've not tested.
I can subsitute a K6-2 for the cyrix chip. In one revision, the
multiplier is locked to 3, in another, it can go to 5.5. You can also
tweak the voltages some. To 3.5V.
They can see max 256MB ram as long as it's double sided, up to 128
single sided. THe Height of the ram chip is an issue, though, As even
the ultra low profile chip it comes with touches the bottom of CDROM.
Anything higher forces the cdrom to go at an angle. Too steep, and the
CD door won't open, as it's obstructed by the plastic case. Not that it
matters greately for an OS on CD application.
It uses an Award Bios
The FSB is, in both revisions I've looked at, locked to 66mhz. While
you can put a K6-2 550mhz in, It will only run at 366MHZ. On the other
hand, you can put a k6-2 500 in, and crank the multiplier to 5.5 and
still run at 366mhz....
What I suspect:
Judging by the yellow pallor of the motherboard, and the fact that it
uses an award bios, I THINK ASUS made the mobo. Not real sure on that.
What I would like to know:
There are several headers without any labels that I would like to know
what they do. Maybe I can unlock the FSB with jumpers. It would be cool
to get them to run faster. I suppose there is minimal damage I could do
by blindly shorting pins. 6 years ago they were worth $200, now we've
been reselling them at $10 per (unhacked
I would like to copy the bios from the unlocked version, to the locked
version. But there are a couple obsticles. No floppy, being the first.
THere are USB ports, into which I could plug an external flash drive,
but.... Need dos drivers for the usb key. And puting awdflash onto a
bootable CD could be done. Still need the ability to transfer data. The
other option is the LAN. No, I don't have a chip reader/writer. Not yet
tried prying out the bios chip from the Unlocked revision, and
implanting it into the Locked revison and seeing what happens. Maybe
kind of cool. 64Mb ram and a cyrix m2 266mhz chip. I've decided to play
with them to see what I could do as far as hacking them goes.
What I know:
They will boot from *any* live linux CD (so far). I think they will
boot from any cd in general, not I've not tested.
I can subsitute a K6-2 for the cyrix chip. In one revision, the
multiplier is locked to 3, in another, it can go to 5.5. You can also
tweak the voltages some. To 3.5V.
They can see max 256MB ram as long as it's double sided, up to 128
single sided. THe Height of the ram chip is an issue, though, As even
the ultra low profile chip it comes with touches the bottom of CDROM.
Anything higher forces the cdrom to go at an angle. Too steep, and the
CD door won't open, as it's obstructed by the plastic case. Not that it
matters greately for an OS on CD application.
It uses an Award Bios
The FSB is, in both revisions I've looked at, locked to 66mhz. While
you can put a K6-2 550mhz in, It will only run at 366MHZ. On the other
hand, you can put a k6-2 500 in, and crank the multiplier to 5.5 and
still run at 366mhz....
What I suspect:
Judging by the yellow pallor of the motherboard, and the fact that it
uses an award bios, I THINK ASUS made the mobo. Not real sure on that.
What I would like to know:
There are several headers without any labels that I would like to know
what they do. Maybe I can unlock the FSB with jumpers. It would be cool
to get them to run faster. I suppose there is minimal damage I could do
by blindly shorting pins. 6 years ago they were worth $200, now we've
been reselling them at $10 per (unhacked

I would like to copy the bios from the unlocked version, to the locked
version. But there are a couple obsticles. No floppy, being the first.
THere are USB ports, into which I could plug an external flash drive,
but.... Need dos drivers for the usb key. And puting awdflash onto a
bootable CD could be done. Still need the ability to transfer data. The
other option is the LAN. No, I don't have a chip reader/writer. Not yet
tried prying out the bios chip from the Unlocked revision, and
implanting it into the Locked revison and seeing what happens. Maybe