Fully Configurable Database Program

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joey
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TABLE is a simple and convenient database for the home or office. With
TABLE you can add and edit data easily, sort by any field you wish,
perform fast, powerful searches, customize the interface with unlimited
records, and export data in various useful formats. Different databases
may be created to suit your database needs. For example, a telephone
directory, a card file, a videoshop inventory, a LOG-file, a file of
statistics, etc. can all be created using different tables, each with
appropriate columns. A single instance of the TABLE program can then
instantly call up any desired database.

TABLE uses no custom database components or controls, and does not
change the Windows Registry or anything else outside its own directory,
which makes it extremely safe and simple to use. It has a small
footprint and makes few demands on computer resources, so TABLE may
normally be left running on the desktop.

TABLE is a simple and convenient database for the home or office. With
TABLE you can add and edit data easily, sort by any field you wish,
perform fast, powerful searches, customize the interface with unlimited
records, and export data in various useful formats. Different databases
may be created to suit your database needs. For example, a telephone
directory, a card file, a videoshop inventory, a LOG-file, a file of
statistics, etc. can all be created using different tables, each with
appropriate columns. A single instance of the TABLE program can then
instantly call up any desired database.

TABLE uses no custom database components or controls, and does not
change the Windows Registry or anything else outside its own directory,
which makes it extremely safe and simple to use. It has a small
footprint and makes few demands on computer resources, so TABLE may
normally be left running on the desktop.


Saw this at NoNags the other day. Sounded really good, but
unfortunately, it's shareware. $39.99

CharlieDontSurf said:
Saw this at NoNags the other day. Sounded really good, but
unfortunately, it's shareware. $39.99

Different program. Here's the license from the one OP mentioned...


+ You may use this software during any period of time.

+ All copyrights to TABLE are exclusively owned by the author - ZGS.

+ All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by ZGS.

+ Installing and using TABLE signifies acceptance of these terms and
conditions of the license.

+ If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove TABLE
files from your storage devices and cease to use the product.

Thank you for using the TABLE.


dadiOH's dandies v3.0...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
Whatever it is, it ain't freeware........

I guess... whatever it is, free-to-use, crippleware, freeware the author
oughta make it clear. A non-importing database is something that people
have got to *commit* to -- some poor sap in the midst of plugging in his
6000-plus comic collection finds out it's limited to 500 entries, or
gets the whole thing dumped when it expires -- that would suck mightily.

Has anyone installed this program?
Steven said:
Are you sure?

Nope, reg page wouldn't open when I was there (does now). Regardless, when
there is an ambiguity of registering a rather simplistic program for $39.99
and complying with the license I quoted (which plainly says "You may use
this software during any period of time" and which doesn't mention
registering or paying) I choose the latter


dadiOH's dandies v3.0...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
CharlieDontSurf said:
I guess... whatever it is, free-to-use, crippleware, freeware the
author oughta make it clear. A non-importing database is something
that people have got to *commit* to -- some poor sap in the midst
of plugging in his 6000-plus comic collection finds out it's
limited to 500 entries, or gets the whole thing dumped when it
expires -- that would suck mightily.

Has anyone installed this program?

Yeah. I have no idea if it has any sort of entry limitation...just used it
to open a CSV file with 3 columns and 2,058 records though...roughly 200KB.
As far as time limitations, the license specifically says not. Makes no
reg entries, adds no files other than in it's directory so the only way it
could be time limited is to hard code that into the exe. Not likely.

It isn't exactly non-importing either. It gives it's DB files a csv
extension; however, they are delimited with semi-colons rather than commas.
It would be duck soup to do a search/replace with a text editor. I didn't
do so with the file mentioned above so all columns were opened as one.

General impression is that isn't worth anywhere near $39.99 but it *is*
quite a nice program for making tabular files that require no math
operations. A keeper IMO.


dadiOH's dandies v3.0...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
It isn't exactly non-importing either. It gives it's DB files a csv
extension; however, they are delimited with semi-colons rather than commas.
It would be duck soup to do a search/replace with a text editor. I didn't
do so with the file mentioned above so all columns were opened as one.

General impression is that isn't worth anywhere near $39.99 but it *is*
quite a nice program for making tabular files that require no math
operations. A keeper IMO.

Ah. Sounds alright. Maybe I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for checking it
Not quiet correct.
I guess... whatever it is, free-to-use, crippleware, freeware the author
oughta make it clear. A non-importing database is something that people
have got to *commit* to -- some poor sap in the midst of plugging in his
6000-plus comic collection finds out it's limited to 500 entries, or
gets the whole thing dumped when it expires -- that would suck mightily.

Look at the original site:


First thing it says is: *All* programs are free and registration is
*not required*. It's not quiet clear where the registration comes in,
though. One possibility is just the internationalization. The downloads
on the Russian homepage are in Russian language. So maybe the programs
are freeware for the Russian version and shareware to the English. It's
even possible that the author just isn't aware of the site


and it's registration service. Maybe we have to ask the author. -
Preferentially via the Russian site. Who's a native speaking Russian
here? My linguistic capabilities in Russian have become a bit rusty
in the last years. And above all I'm not quiet sure whether I will
have access to the internet within the next few days to report any
possible answer.
Has anyone installed this program?

I have not.

B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:
Not quiet correct.

Look at the original site:


First thing it says is: *All* programs are free and registration is
*not required*. It's not quiet clear where the registration comes in,
though. One possibility is just the internationalization. The downloads
on the Russian homepage are in Russian language. So maybe the programs
are freeware for the Russian version and shareware to the English. It's
even possible that the author just isn't aware of the site


and it's registration service. Maybe we have to ask the author. -
Preferentially via the Russian site. Who's a native speaking Russian
here? My linguistic capabilities in Russian have become a bit rusty
in the last years. And above all I'm not quiet sure whether I will
have access to the internet within the next few days to report any
possible answer.

I have not.

I've installed it and set up one database on it. There doesn't seem to
be any indication of a need to pay -- and the users' comments area on
the site has one person apologizing for not being able to contribute
anything, which suggests registration is optional.

It does have limitations. There's no notefield and no ability to do
calculations. But it seems like a nice quick way of keeping, sorting,
and searching basic information and links to files and websites.

It also offers the option of exporting in half a dozen different modes
-- CVS with either commas or semi-colons, text with separation by blanks
or tabs, html, or proprietary.
TABLE is a simple and convenient database for the home or office. With
TABLE you can add and edit data easily, sort by any field you wish,
perform fast, powerful searches, customize the interface with unlimited
records, and export data in various useful formats. Different databases
may be created to suit your database needs. For example, a telephone
directory, a card file, a videoshop inventory, a LOG-file, a file of
statistics, etc. can all be created using different tables, each with
appropriate columns. A single instance of the TABLE program can then
instantly call up any desired database.

TABLE uses no custom database components or controls, and does not
change the Windows Registry or anything else outside its own directory,
which makes it extremely safe and simple to use. It has a small
footprint and makes few demands on computer resources, so TABLE may
normally be left running on the desktop.

To the NICE folks at alt.comp.freeware,

Sorry Folks for posting OT shareware!

At the time of the posting it was my understanding that TABLE was
freeware, however it now appears that it is in fact shareware.

Thanks to all those who helped clear up the misunderstanding.

With that said, can anyone suggest a freeware program that provides the
functionality of Table?

To the NICE folks at alt.comp.freeware,

Flatterer! ;-)
Sorry Folks for posting OT shareware!

As I said in my other post: it's *not* clear up to now. At least the
Russian version *is* freeware.

With that said, can anyone suggest a freeware program that provides the
functionality of Table?

Look at CSVed:


It may be the program you're looking for.

Thanks for the link to CSV Editor, I'll try it out.

While on the web I did some more searching with new parameters and came
up with another database program called PortaBase over at:


PortaBase is a small database program for creating, browsing, and
editing custom tables of data.

Best To You,
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 22:34:16 +0200, I wrote:

[*ware status of 'Table']
Maybe we have to ask the author.

I contacted the author Grigory Zhmulevsky and got a prompt answer. Thank
you very much for this, Grigory!

Table is freeware for the Russian version, while it is shareware for the
English. The English version has a nagscreen:

| It will work all the time, and after 40 days of use, it will show
| a message (remind) "Please register" on every program start, but
| the program will still work.

The author will update the English website and program help to reflect
this status. He is looking for a Russian-English translator to support
him in this process. Anybody interested can contact Grigory via

(e-mail address removed)

[*ware status of 'Table']
Maybe we have to ask the author.

I contacted the author Grigory Zhmulevsky and got a prompt answer. Thank
you very much for this, Grigory!

Table is freeware for the Russian version, while it is shareware for the
English. The English version has a nagscreen:

Getting to this late, Bear, but I'd meant to thank you for taking
time to get that resolved for us. A few weeks before this thread,
I'd downloaded it as well. I remember being a little confused about
its ware status while I was visiting the homesite. Then after I ran
it, I'd concluded it was freeware. So I appreciate knowing now what
the facts are.

I was trying to remember what had led me to it, only recalled that
it was one of the freeware directories. Just now I've done a Google
using for search term, "link:zgs.de.ms." From those results, I conclude
I got to it via www.webgrid.co.uk, since that's a site I like to use.
I see other freeware directories (English sites) in the results too,
mistakenly linking it.
The author will update the English website and program help to reflect
this status. He is looking for a Russian-English translator to support
him in this process.

Looking at updated site <http://zgs.de.ms/>. There is a registration link
right out front, and it seems to be working. So, assume it'll just be a
matter of a little time for the freeware directory webmasters to synch
up with the actual status.

You know, while I was slightly interested in this when I'd believed it
freeware -- it had a significant limitation. It required any data files,
any delimited file you might want to open or save with it, to be in the
same directory as its executable. So that right off removes the most of
one's ordinary usage.

Meantime, I remain on the lookout for if any other new csv editors
(\flatfile dbs progs) might get born...and released as freeware.
Table is freeware for the Russian version, while it is shareware for the
English. The English version has a nagscreen:

Getting to this late, Bear, but I'd meant to thank you for taking
time to get that resolved for us.

You are welcome! (Besides, I was strongly interested, too.) ;-)
You know, while I was slightly interested in this when I'd believed it
freeware -- it had a significant limitation. It required any data files,
any delimited file you might want to open or save with it, to be in the
same directory as its executable. So that right off removes the most of
one's ordinary usage.

Good to know. Maybe someone wants to use the free Russian version.
In this case such additional information's come handy.
Meantime, I remain on the lookout for if any other new csv editors
(\flatfile dbs progs) might get born...and released as freeware.

Same with me. There are a few good ones, fulfilling one or another task.
But its always a challenge to find a new (and maybe better) one... ;-)
