Full Screen With Status Cut Worksheet Tabs in Half



I want the workbook to open in Full Screen mode and show
the worksheet tabs. I placed this code in the VBA...
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
Application.DisplayFullScreen = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
However, the tabs for the worksheets are cut-off. I was
wondering how to fix this or maybe how to get the
appliaction title to show and that might fix it.

Any ideas from the community?

Walt Weber

Hi Dean,

The Taskbar is probably blocking the Status Bar and the
lower part of the tabs. If you set the Taskbar
properties to Auto-hide, the problem resolves on my WinXP
and Excel XP setup.

Best Regards,

Dean Hinson

I thought about that but I do not want to change ever PC in the plant to
do so. There must be a way to do that properly or get the title bar

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