Full screen logon script?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jer.
  • Start date Start date


I have a Win 2000 Pro computer that insists on running
every DOS based program that is called by the logon script
full screen. I've changed the command prompt properties
and settings. I've ocnfirmed the problem by bringin up
both task manager and hitting ALT+ENTER to reduce the
program to a window.
It only happens for this one user on this one PC. I'd like
to be able to fix it without doing anything drastic, but I
admit, I am at a loss.
Anyone seen this before?
Have you tried calling 'start /min' to start batch file(s) or DOS programs ?

For example; %comspec% /c start /min mybatch.bat

You can obtain the syntax of 'start' executing CMD.EXE and typing; start /? in the
command prompt window.

Please note: the correct place to have posted this query would have been:


| I have a Win 2000 Pro computer that insists on running
| every DOS based program that is called by the logon script
| full screen. I've changed the command prompt properties
| and settings. I've ocnfirmed the problem by bringin up
| both task manager and hitting ALT+ENTER to reduce the
| program to a window.
| It only happens for this one user on this one PC. I'd like
| to be able to fix it without doing anything drastic, but I
| admit, I am at a loss.
| Anyone seen this before?
Thanks for the help, Everyone. I'm going to try a few of
the things listed here. This only happens for one user
and only on this system, so some of these posts make
sense. Our server support has started a new logon script
and this could be a bug that her profile exploits somehow.

AS for the incorrect grup posting, I am sorry. We have
restricted newsgroup access and this is the closest thing
I could get to from TechNet.

Thanks again for the input.

-----Original Message-----
Have you tried calling 'start /min' to start batch file (s) or DOS programs ?

For example; %comspec% /c start /min mybatch.bat

You can obtain the syntax of 'start' executing CMD.EXE
and typing; start /? in the
If this happens to one specific user only, then it should
be easy to walk around the problem: Rename this user's
profile folder on this machine, to force a new profile to be