James Jones
Set your Command Prompt to load in Full Screen Mode by default.
Close any instance of Command Prompt you have open.
Goto Accessories and Click on Command Prompt (it should open in full screen
mode by default)
type: notepad
What you should notice happens is that Windows won't switch from Full Screen
DOS mode to Windows to display the instance of notepad.
Press the windows key or alt-tab and you will see that notepad did load but
windows never switch to display it
Now close notepad and click on the minimized Command Prompt
Now type notepad again and it will switch to graphic mode to show notepad.
This is causing a real problem for me. Does anyone know how to fix
this...have windows switch to graphic mode the first and every time when
loading notepad (or any graphical app)? And if it can't be fixed could you
explain to me what causing this behavior?
Close any instance of Command Prompt you have open.
Goto Accessories and Click on Command Prompt (it should open in full screen
mode by default)
type: notepad
What you should notice happens is that Windows won't switch from Full Screen
DOS mode to Windows to display the instance of notepad.
Press the windows key or alt-tab and you will see that notepad did load but
windows never switch to display it
Now close notepad and click on the minimized Command Prompt
Now type notepad again and it will switch to graphic mode to show notepad.
This is causing a real problem for me. Does anyone know how to fix
this...have windows switch to graphic mode the first and every time when
loading notepad (or any graphical app)? And if it can't be fixed could you
explain to me what causing this behavior?