Full screen and video drive -attn Microsoft

  • Thread starter Andrea De Nardis
  • Start date

Andrea De Nardis

Hi all,
I read the previous answers to this question but no one satisfy me. Both
Fabio Guidi and me have the same problem: we would like to make our image
run with cmd in full screen. When pressing ATL+ENTER a messagebox appears
and inform me that the system failed to initialize the full screen mode. We
are using vgasafe, a standard monitor 640x480 and the full video for
graphics and text component. No success.
In some previous anwers someone asserts that going to property page for vga
component you can correctly set the screen resolution. This is wrong: no
property page is available for the vgasafe component (except for the
advanced property page, common to all the components).
Could you please help me?
Thanx a lot.

Lynda Allen [MS]

Hi Andrea and Guidi

As an experiment, build and deploy a configuration with only the Minlogon
Sample Macro component (found in Software: Test & Development) - it should,
by default, launch command shell in full screen mode, and use vgasafe. If
this launches as expected then we can assume there is something missing in
your configuration.

Another thing to try is to make these registry changes to your
HKCU\Console\%SystemRoot%_System32_cmd.exe\FullScreeen to 1

Hope this helps,


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David Reed \(MS\)

I think I can help. In the SP1 release, XPe did modify
the CMD Shell component to always start in full screen
mode. But this is a different component that the CMD -
Windows Command Processor component that will always
start in a window, just like it does in XP Professional.

Now, you can always use the hot key combination ALT+ENTER
to toggle a CMD window into full screen mode, but the
setting will not persist between CMD sessions as far as I

So I am pretty sure there must be a way to do what you
are looking for, but you may need to call a script to
automate this process.


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