Full Outer Join not Union to produce an updateable query

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lori Zorr
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Lori Zorr

I do not want to use a union query as I need the recordset
to be updateable.

I have 4 identical queries (same field names) that I want
in one query and I want that query to be updateable- Any

I have searched all over----
thanks in advance,

AFAIK this is not possible; why four separate queries? Are they reading from
different tables that have the same structure? In that case the real problem
and the solution are in your design: unify the tables into one, adding one
extra field to tell you whatever the different tables tell you under your
current design.

Thanks Nikos I was afraid of that....

I am pulling information from a very badly designed sql
Database through linking which has all these tables with I
need to unify. I know it should be all in one table since
there are only 2200 records but I am stuck with the bad
underlying design- Any suggestions short of running a make
table every time we open the access database???

off newsgroup I am at (e-mail address removed)