Full Key Codes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Doo
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Doo said:
Full Key Codes is a little utility to display code informations
about each key of the keyboard. The developpers know why :-)
In a little window, you will obtain for each key down its character,
its ASCII code, and the keyboard code in hexadecimal.

I clicked on the above link and it brought me to the download site, but when
I tried to d/l the file, it kept asking me for a username and password. I
could not d/l the file.

What gives? Is it available somewhere else w/o the hassle?

Nil wrote in said:
Boy, what a struggle. I tried to d/l it with 3 different d/l managers, DL
Expert, Star Downloader, and GetIt, and none worked. Finally, Fresh Download
worked. After all that, I hope the file is worth it.:)

resolves to:

Opera displays a warning about user name and password found in URL -
and asks if I want to proceed - in other words do I want to logon to
the said account with said user name/password to get the file...
If simply click OK the download begins.

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Boy, what a struggle. I tried to d/l it with 3 different d/l managers, DL
Expert, Star Downloader, and GetIt, and none worked. Finally, Fresh Download
worked. After all that, I hope the file is worth it.:)

Okay here, first try, no download manager, original URL. I wonder what made
it such a project for you. Odd.