As I've mentioned before, once Blair gained power 11 years ago, the goverment's been able to do what it likes.
The Tories haven't gained power simply because Blair was practsiing all their policies, he sold out the Labour Party.
Which is why I've become completely disillusioned with politics in the UK, they're all hopeless and out to bleed us dry.
Oh, and suck up to George Bush, I forgot that part.
I say let's have some anarchy, Guy Fawkes was right, the Royal Family are parasites and should be exiled to Sardinia or somewhere (or maybe shot) and the admin centre controlling London's congestion charge should be burnt to the ground.
That'll do for starters eh?
Pardon me? You wouldn't like to do that? You only like to read the Daily Mail and moan from a distance?
Hah! Direct action.
I do believe I got on my soap box there for five minutes, please excuse me