Windows XP FTP upload speed

Jan 4, 2003
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Ok quick and easy one for those who like messing around with FTP's and alike.

1. 10MB connection

2. Can download at 1.2MB per second (nothing unusual you say to yourselfs)

3. Can only upload at 60k per second (WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!)

is this right, surely not? I thought it should have been a minimum of 120kbps?

Any ideas?
Nope, thats probably right :( They limit upload speed so you can't act as a host from your house :)

Are you at uni per chance?

GRRRRRRRRR NTL Poo Poo heads lmao

A friend of mine in on smellywest his upload is higher on a 4meg conn :(
Wow, a 10MB connection at home? Nice :D

Looks like there's no way around it, but your ISP may have different (more expensive) packages that allow you to upload more.
Triplex, is that a 10mb ADSL connection or a straight thorough duplex?
Sounds like an ADSL connection. Its the nature of the connection type unfortunately.

If you have a DUPLEX link that is effectively a 10MB in each direction at the same time, and thats the sort of thing you would need for hosting (as an absolute minimum IMHO).

As Ian said, ADSL is designed to stop people home-hosting, so they limit the uplink speed. If it's any consolation, no matter what download speed we opt for over here, the maximum upload is capped at 256KB!:eek: Even if you have the maximum 2MB download capacity.

I think the clue is in the name. ADSL = Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line ie. the two elements of the connections are of differing capacities.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you mate;)
Good ole Ripp of Britain again huh! About time we caught up with the rest of the world. I believe Sweden is excellent for BB connections. Maybe we should all move over there ;)
TriplexDread said:
believe Sweden is excellent for BB connections. Maybe we should all move over there ;)
I've heard that the ancilliary benefits are quite good in Sweden too, but that's another issue all together:D
first off, what is your rated upload speed? that is your theoretical max speed for your ftp upload.
Next, how is your ftp setup? which program? are you using passive transfer? if so if you have a router/firewall did you allow the passive ports?
What is your buffer size setting?
All these affect your upload speed.
Now keep in mind, that you will never likely hit your max upload speed. My connection is rated a min 800kbs speed, and thos speed sites usually put it well in the 1.5 range.
My local lan xfers data in the 7-9MBs using ftp. (700 meg iso takes about 23 seconds). that's with proper settings in ftp. just taking the defaults, the sustained transfer speed was in the 1-3 mbs range. proper setup is a must.
Local people in my area usually don;t see more than 170kbs during sustained file transfers, but I have pulled an image off the server from work at over 300kbs.
There is alot of latency in the isp's network that can also impact your speeds.