Joe Abou Jaoude
Hi, I m facing problems with FTP in windows ce.net. I m testing my
application on the emulator. I m able to open the connection to the ftp
site, however I m not able to copy the file, though an empty file is
created on the ftp server.
If i want to upload myfile.txt , a new file myfile.txt appears on the
ftp server but with 0 size.
Does this problem sounds familiar ?
FtpPutFile is returning the 12003 error code, which, according to the
msdn documentation, is an extended error, and I should call
InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve the error text.
However when I m calling the InternetGetLastResponseInfo, I m not
getting any text. This is how I m doing :
1- define the InternetGetLastResponseInfo:
Public Shared Function InternetGetLastResponseInfo( _
ByRef lpdwError As Int32, _
ByVal lpszBuffer As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
ByRef lpdwBufferLength As Int32) As Int32
End Function
2-try to get the error text:
Dim lpdwError As Int32 = 0
Dim lpdwBufferLength As Int32 = 2048
Dim lpszBuffer As _
New System.Text.StringBuilder(lpdwBufferLength)
InternetGetLastResponseInfo( _
lpdwError, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength)
the lpszBuffer length is 0 and no text is displayed.
Couldn't be that there are no error text or am I doing something wrong ?
application on the emulator. I m able to open the connection to the ftp
site, however I m not able to copy the file, though an empty file is
created on the ftp server.
If i want to upload myfile.txt , a new file myfile.txt appears on the
ftp server but with 0 size.
Does this problem sounds familiar ?
FtpPutFile is returning the 12003 error code, which, according to the
msdn documentation, is an extended error, and I should call
InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve the error text.
However when I m calling the InternetGetLastResponseInfo, I m not
getting any text. This is how I m doing :
1- define the InternetGetLastResponseInfo:
Public Shared Function InternetGetLastResponseInfo( _
ByRef lpdwError As Int32, _
ByVal lpszBuffer As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
ByRef lpdwBufferLength As Int32) As Int32
End Function
2-try to get the error text:
Dim lpdwError As Int32 = 0
Dim lpdwBufferLength As Int32 = 2048
Dim lpszBuffer As _
New System.Text.StringBuilder(lpdwBufferLength)
InternetGetLastResponseInfo( _
lpdwError, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength)
the lpszBuffer length is 0 and no text is displayed.
Couldn't be that there are no error text or am I doing something wrong ?