Hi. I just got ftp running under winXP. I can access the PC from a mac or
other PC, and the PC running winXP will see the ftp session, including the
IP address of the machine accessing it. However, when I send the "pwd"
command to see what directory I'm in, it returns "/". I cannot change the
directory to the c: directory. Using "cd c:", it returns a message about
incorrect syntax. If I send "cd c", it says it cannot find the directory or
file. It seems to respond to help queries, but I can't "put" or "get" files.
Any ideas on how to get ftp to operate properly? I got it running using
IIS under "Add/Remove Windows Components" in "Add/Remove
Programs". I selected FTP in the "Details" section under IIS. Thanks
other PC, and the PC running winXP will see the ftp session, including the
IP address of the machine accessing it. However, when I send the "pwd"
command to see what directory I'm in, it returns "/". I cannot change the
directory to the c: directory. Using "cd c:", it returns a message about
incorrect syntax. If I send "cd c", it says it cannot find the directory or
file. It seems to respond to help queries, but I can't "put" or "get" files.
Any ideas on how to get ftp to operate properly? I got it running using
IIS under "Add/Remove Windows Components" in "Add/Remove
Programs". I selected FTP in the "Details" section under IIS. Thanks