FTP Passive Mode

Feb 4, 2006
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How do I stop my computer from entering passive mode when uploading on to ftp? I am using Windows XP home edition with Internet Explorer 6, thanks
Passive FTP

Dont use IE as your ftp client!!!

There are many others available that do a better job.
Avance said:
Im not using an ftp program - im using internet explorer
Thats why you should use an FTP application - not only is it more suited, but you can disable passive mode :)
I used Bulletproof FTP for sharing in the past. Really easy to use.

For access I used SmartFTP
Yeah get SmartFTP and disable Passive FTP, Windows does not let you change this option, it's dead easy with SmartFTP and has been mentioned above already ;)
hello again, i got the smart ftp, and disabled the passive mode, however i still want to access my ftp within the browser, and i still cannot do this, any ideas why?