FTP Library - commercial grade library for massive LIST commands

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I was curious if anyone has had good luck using one of the commercial .NET
FTP client libraries to perform massive LIST commands. I have tried various
free libraries with no/little success, either they time out or throw an
error about the list being too long. There are easily hundreds of thousands
of files spread over 100 different directories. I need to download a
complete listing of all files and modified dates in order to determine what
files have been recently added to the system so that I may download and
process them. I need a library that is very robust, that can retrieve
massive LIST results very quickly, and ideally possesses an internal object
model allowing me to iterate through the file results in memory to determine
if the files have been recently modified. FTP clients, such as WS_FTP, can
perform the needed operations flawlessly and quickly, and I need a library
to incorporate into my code that can perform equally well. My main concern
is connecting, browsing directories, and retrieving LIST results. Can anyone
offer some guidance or suggestions? I would prefer a commercial library,
rather than writing one myself, because time is of the essence and I would
like something that has been throughly tested and proven in critical

Thanks everyone!

Mark Smither

Have you tried interop'ing to WinInet - the standard Internet accessibility
library shipped with Windows? It offers FTP support along with HTTP.