This is an excellent ftp class.
Sample code:
Dim objFTP As New FTP
Dim myDir, NewPath As String
myDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(strFullPath) & "\"
'rename existing file before downloading new copy
If File.Exists(strFullPath) = True Then
NewPath = myDir & Format(Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss") & " " &
're-name the file
File.Move(strFullPath, NewPath)
End If
objFTP.RemoteHost = strSite
objFTP.RemotePath = strSiteDir
'slashes are optional at beginning and end of RemotePath!
objFTP.RemoteUser = strUID
objFTP.RemotePassword = strPwd
objFTP.RemotePort = 21
If objFTP.Login() = True Then
objFTP.DownloadFile(strSiteFileName, strFullPath)
'if file exists, it is overwritten without warning.
End If