Phil Robyn said:
Yes, but what you need is a batch file that generates your script,
adding in the appropriate 'cd', 'lcd' and 'mput' commands for each
subdirectory, and then invokes the generated script.
That would be something along the lines of:
@echo off
set basepath=c:\mypath\backups
echo open myhost >commands.txt
echo user>>commands.txt
echo password>>commands.txt
echo binary>>commands.txt
echo hash>>commands.txt
echo lcd %basepath%>>commands.txt
echo mput *.*>>commands.txt
for /f "delims=|" %%q in ('dir /b/ad %basepath%\* ') do(
::note, you may need to remotely create directories first....i presume
they exist...
echo cd %%q>>commands.txt
echo lcd %basepath%\%%q>>commands.txt
echo mput *.*>>commands.txt
echo bye>>commands.txt
test before using this in production environments.... i haven't tested
just showed the concept...