I have an image that remote boots and then contacts an ftp server, downloads
a script and run said script. The shell for the image is the script that does
the ftp stuff. Now the problem I'm having is that when the image boots the
ftp fails. It either simply prints "Unknown Error" and exits, or it gets to
the point where it claims to be downloading the file and hangs. If I kill the
ftp client and call the script by hand it works fine, the file ftp's and the
batch does it's job like a charm.
How can i get around this, i.e. have the script just work? I know the tcp/ip
stack is loaded because ping can see the server, and the ftp still fails. I
do have an app that will simply hold up a batch file for x milliseconds, so i
could simply cause the ftp to hold off for a while, but is there a way that i
can force my shell not to be loaded untill the services required for ftp are
a script and run said script. The shell for the image is the script that does
the ftp stuff. Now the problem I'm having is that when the image boots the
ftp fails. It either simply prints "Unknown Error" and exits, or it gets to
the point where it claims to be downloading the file and hangs. If I kill the
ftp client and call the script by hand it works fine, the file ftp's and the
batch does it's job like a charm.
How can i get around this, i.e. have the script just work? I know the tcp/ip
stack is loaded because ping can see the server, and the ftp still fails. I
do have an app that will simply hold up a batch file for x milliseconds, so i
could simply cause the ftp to hold off for a while, but is there a way that i
can force my shell not to be loaded untill the services required for ftp are