I'm having trouble getting a batch script to upload files to a remote server
via ftp. We've got a small LAN with a packet filtering NAT firewall at the
perimeter that handles active and passive transfers without a problem. I
first used IE with passive mode to upload and that worked fine, however, we
want a scripted solution that does some other things first for the user. I
don't think the ftp client that ships with XP will allow you to switch
between active and passive. It only runs in active mode and FTP would just
hang. I tried opening the firewall for ftp.exe but that didn't work. I
turned on XP's firewall logging function but did not see any dropped packets.
Eventually, I just temporarily disabled the XP firewall, ran the script and
turned it back on. Of course, that's no good.
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.
via ftp. We've got a small LAN with a packet filtering NAT firewall at the
perimeter that handles active and passive transfers without a problem. I
first used IE with passive mode to upload and that worked fine, however, we
want a scripted solution that does some other things first for the user. I
don't think the ftp client that ships with XP will allow you to switch
between active and passive. It only runs in active mode and FTP would just
hang. I tried opening the firewall for ftp.exe but that didn't work. I
turned on XP's firewall logging function but did not see any dropped packets.
Eventually, I just temporarily disabled the XP firewall, ran the script and
turned it back on. Of course, that's no good.
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.