OK, I just wrote a neat macro to loop through all the subdirectories of a
given folder and delete each subfolder starting with the most distant from
the mother folder and working back.
But as each folder was deleted I noticed that the folder simply disappeared
after a slight pause without the usual Windows progress display and, for
folders with many files, without the lengthy deletion process.
So now, I can just chuck my neat looping/self-calling macro and just say
f.Delete where f is the mother folder fso object.
I would just like to know whether there is any difference for my hard-drive
between the two delete methods (fso vs Windows/manual). And, if there is no
difference, why does Windows do it the long way?
given folder and delete each subfolder starting with the most distant from
the mother folder and working back.
But as each folder was deleted I noticed that the folder simply disappeared
after a slight pause without the usual Windows progress display and, for
folders with many files, without the lengthy deletion process.
So now, I can just chuck my neat looping/self-calling macro and just say
f.Delete where f is the mother folder fso object.
I would just like to know whether there is any difference for my hard-drive
between the two delete methods (fso vs Windows/manual). And, if there is no
difference, why does Windows do it the long way?