I have a crashed Windows XP system drive, I booted into knopppix and
did a dd_rescue of this drive (30GB) onto a 40GB second drive (after
making identical partitions on the second drive). It was reporting some
errors here and there but towards end (I was doing it in reverse
direction) encountered lots of errors. It said almost 6Gb errors in the
transferred data. I had copied sector 1 to begin with that contaned the
boot info and partition table. I then disconnected the original drive
and hooked up the second as master and booted up knoppix. It ofcourse
won't mount this drive with "bad superblock error". Now what? I read
somewhere that you can't fsck an NTFS file system in linux. DO I have
to do an equivalent (scandisk?) in DOS and then bring the disk to
linux? I am clueless here - I just want to recover whatever I can get
from the cloned drive and rebuild my windows system.
did a dd_rescue of this drive (30GB) onto a 40GB second drive (after
making identical partitions on the second drive). It was reporting some
errors here and there but towards end (I was doing it in reverse
direction) encountered lots of errors. It said almost 6Gb errors in the
transferred data. I had copied sector 1 to begin with that contaned the
boot info and partition table. I then disconnected the original drive
and hooked up the second as master and booted up knoppix. It ofcourse
won't mount this drive with "bad superblock error". Now what? I read
somewhere that you can't fsck an NTFS file system in linux. DO I have
to do an equivalent (scandisk?) in DOS and then bring the disk to
linux? I am clueless here - I just want to recover whatever I can get
from the cloned drive and rebuild my windows system.