FSB vs cpu Mhz

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titling this thread was the most difficult task. Here's the question.

Which would be faster on an Asus p2b mobo?

a celeron 1,3ghz tualatin at 100Mhz


a 1 ghz PIII at 133 Mhz.

I have them both. Which one would be faster?
titling this thread was the most difficult task. Here's the question.

Which would be faster on an Asus p2b mobo?

a celeron 1,3ghz tualatin at 100Mhz


a 1 ghz PIII at 133 Mhz.

I have them both. Which one would be faster?

I would guess then non-celeron, unless your task is not dependant on memory

titling this thread was the most difficult task. Here's the question.

Which would be faster on an Asus p2b mobo?

a celeron 1,3ghz tualatin at 100Mhz


a 1 ghz PIII at 133 Mhz.

I have them both. Which one would be faster?

I bet the author of this webpage could help:


but really, the answer is application dependent.

On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 06:12:26 -0500, (e-mail address removed) (Paul) wrote:

So what you folks are saying is that it's so close that it's basically

On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 06:12:26 -0500, (e-mail address removed) (Paul) wrote:

So what you folks are saying is that it's so close that it's basically

It's not that they're close, they're better at different things... there's
30% difference, but the P3 is better at memory bandwidth, the Celeron at
number crunching. Most applications require a bit of both, but if the
application is strongly biased one way or the other, you will have a
noticeable effect of one chip over the other.

Thanks, a nice explanation. I probably get it now.

What I meant about being "close" was that if I had said "a celeron 466
and a PIII 800" there would have been no ifs ands, buts or
applications to talk about.

If I find the time I'll do some benchmarks. I've got SiSoft Sandra.
(for what it's worth)

Thanks, a nice explanation. I probably get it now.

What I meant about being "close" was that if I had said "a celeron 466
and a PIII 800" there would have been no ifs ands, buts or
applications to talk about.

If I find the time I'll do some benchmarks. I've got SiSoft Sandra.
(for what it's worth)

Well I don't trust any of the SiSift benchmarks, really.

What do you intend to do on your machine that will tax it the most and needs
to be done quickly?

I would expect the P3 should win in most tests. I would expect the
exeptions to be MIPS, FLOPS, Whetstone and related measures - anything more
real life should sway towards the P3.

Thanks, a nice explanation. I probably get it now.

What I meant about being "close" was that if I had said "a celeron 466
and a PIII 800" there would have been no ifs ands, buts or
applications to talk about.

If I find the time I'll do some benchmarks. I've got SiSoft Sandra.
(for what it's worth)

I didn't have either of the processors you have available when I put
together the P2B benchmarks page, so your results would be of great
interest. I suspect, as others have stated, that CPU benchmarks will
favour the Celeron while the P3 will be ahead in RAM tests, but it
should be close.

If you would be good enough to run the same benchmarks I used (all free
and linked from my page) and mail me the results, I will publish them
for the benefit of all.


Got to work downloading and benching the Tualatin-Celeron which is
installed now, I sent you the benchmarks for this as a test to see if
I was doing them right.

Sent them off this morning.


Got to work downloading and benching the Tualatin-Celeron which is
installed now, I sent you the benchmarks for this as a test to see if
I was doing them right.

Sent them off this morning.

Thanks Eric... but I did not receive your email - sent to (e-mail address removed) ?

=|[ P2B's ]|= wrote:
If you would be good enough to run the same benchmarks I used (all free
and linked from my page) and mail me the results, I will publish them
for the benefit of all.



Thats a great page - If only other benchmark pages did similar instead of
relying on huge jpegs to display the results ;]
What do you intend to do on your machine that will tax it the most and needs
to be done quickly?

To tell you the truth Ben, it's the third computer sitting over across
the room that does mostly nothing. But as I'm a bit of a P2b-freak, I
love playing around with them. So nothing urgent,, just a pondering
sort of thing.

see you later,

Creeping said:
=|[ P2B's ]|= wrote:
If you would be good enough to run the same benchmarks I used (all free
and linked from my page) and mail me the results, I will publish them
for the benefit of all.



Thats a great page - If only other benchmark pages did similar instead of
relying on huge jpegs to display the results ;]

Your feedback is very much appreciated given the effort I put into
tweaking the javascript so it displayed properly in popular browsers -
now I understand why others use huge jpegs instead :-)


Well, I sent them off again today.

If you don't get them, I'll post them here.


Both copies arrived in my inbox several hours later, reason for delay
unknown. I have responded privately.


Both copies arrived in my inbox several hours later, reason for delay
unknown. I have responded privately.



Now it's me who hasn't received your post,

must be some definite need in the universe for this info not to see
the light of day....
