Frustration with wireless..

Sep 20, 2008
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Hey guys,

I'm on to my last shred of patience with this networking problem I have..

Okay, here's the basics:

My girlfriend's Dell Dimension 4700 with Zyxel g202 wireless adapter cannot connect to the Netgear router downstairs.. I have tried all the command prompt fixes like flushing the DNS and even tried fixing winsock both manually and with the fix tool. I tried disabling windows zero config tool as a solution too. I have also tried manually configuring her IP address and DNS server to connect but had no success. The router is giving out enough IP addresses as I checked that too (gives out X.X.X.2 - X.X.X.254).

The frustrating thing is that I have a computer in the same room as her (Built by myself. Using a Belkin Wireless G adapter) which can connect to the router and access the internet. Her brother can also access the router/internet with his Dell XPS laptop.

I don't know what else to do..

Any input would be appreciated.
