I'm trying to format this bit of code into a numeric format of 12,123 no decimals in the particular format. Here's the code:
tbl_worksheet1.Rows(b).Cells(2).Text() = Format(ls_sum_gasohol, "##,##0")
This of course reurns a literal string of ##,##0 not the formatted number. I tried
= String.Format(ls_sum_gasohol, "##,##0") which returns me exactly what I had before, the number without the comma. How do I get the format to work correctly? I tried converting to an Integer, that doesn't work either. This SHOULD be simple. I've checked the help files on formatting, and found mystr = Format(itme, "##,##0") That is what I did and it ddoesn't work. Please help - formatting should be easy, not frustrating! TIA - Coleen
tbl_worksheet1.Rows(b).Cells(2).Text() = Format(ls_sum_gasohol, "##,##0")
This of course reurns a literal string of ##,##0 not the formatted number. I tried
= String.Format(ls_sum_gasohol, "##,##0") which returns me exactly what I had before, the number without the comma. How do I get the format to work correctly? I tried converting to an Integer, that doesn't work either. This SHOULD be simple. I've checked the help files on formatting, and found mystr = Format(itme, "##,##0") That is what I did and it ddoesn't work. Please help - formatting should be easy, not frustrating! TIA - Coleen