FRS stopped working)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Greg Turnbull
  • Start date Start date

Greg Turnbull

File Replication services have stopped working on one of
our servers consistenly and we have tried several things

1. Installing SP4
2. Rebuilding the database.

Does anyone have any ideas.
The main event id we get is 13506.
"The fle replication service failed a consistency check.
in "QHashInsertLock:" at line 696

None of these fixes given by Microsoft Work

Greg Turnbull
Hi Greg. When you say you rebuilt the database, do you mean that you did a
non-authoritative restore of the replica set by setting the BURFLAGS
registry key to D2?

Please make sure that the following was done after installing SP4:

1. Stop the File Replication service (net stop ntfrs).
2. Open regedit and navigate to
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Parameters\Cumulative Replica
Sets\<replica set guid>.
3. Change the BurFlags DWORD value to D2.
4. Start the File Replication service (net start ntfrs).

This will cause the contents of the replica set (I am assuming it is SYSVOL)
to be moved to an NTFRS_PreExisting folder and the entire contents of the
replica set will be copied down from a partner. This process can take a
while depending on the size of the replica set.