Frontpage - website form problem

Nov 20, 2011
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I am haveing a problem with my website form. it is not sending emails or forwarding to the confirmation page. I have tried both the "send to function" in from properties and also "send to other" function with "mailto:my email address" as an acton. does anyone have any ideas as to why it is not opperating correctly.
The form is at www.
Is this a subtle way of spamming us?:confused:
Or are you genuine? And if so welcome.:thumb: If not your sure to get banned!:thumb:
this is genuine, i cannot get the frontpage form to work in the contact us page. I would be very greatful of any help
Hi Ben, I've moved your post to the webmaster section to see if anyone can help :).

We've had posts like this where people try to spam and link build, so I've changed the link so that it has to be typed in manually - so people are still able to help.

Good luck and welcome to PCR.