Frontpage wants to delete files?? How to exclude certain dirs ..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Denis
  • Start date Start date



I am using Frontpage 2000.. I have a web hosting account which allows
me to install some scripts through a web-based control panel easily.
directly into my web space.

The problem is, those files/scripts are not part of my local 'web' so
whenever I want to publish my web / update it I get asked this:

"File x exists on the server but not in your web. Do you want to
delete it?"

And it does this for all the files which I dont have locally (all of
them are preinstalled server scripts etc) So it asks hundreds of times
and there is no 'No to all' answer button.

Is there any way to exclude certain directories from being updated
etc, so I don't get these requests from Frontpage?

Please help .. I've searched the web and read a million pages, still
no clue how to fix this :(
You need to convert the folder on the live site holding these scripts into a
subweb, by opening the live site directly in FP via File Menu | Open Web,
then selecting the folder, right click convert to Web. If you can't do this,
then your host has to do it for you.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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