These 5 questions concerns starting up FrontPage 2003 and opening my main
web site... (I have other questions concerning coding, and publishing the
web site to my host, but those later...)
(A) Every time I open FrontPage 2003 to continue working on my web site, I
get the following error: [either (a) when I first open the FP2003 program,
or (b) when I first try to open my current web site]
"Could not find a Web server at `Bernard-Wotton` [my computer's name].
Please check to make sure that the Web server name is valid [it is] and your
proxy settings are set correctly [don't use them, have DSL service]. If you
are sure that everything is correct, the Web server may be temporarily out of
Concerning (a) after I click OK, I can then open my web site.
Concerning (b) after I click ok, and try the second time, the web site
opens in FP.
If my Web server (IIS 5.1) is "temporarily out of service", how do I put it
back in service whenever my computer starts up, or I open the FP program?
Trying the second time seems to "wake" it up... Is there some setting I'm
missing, or have set wrong?
(B) I have more questions, but this bugs me every time I startup FrontPage
2003. I'm using Windows XP Pro. I've searched some, and have read many, many
of the posts you folks post to the newsgroup, and I have tried most of the 6
sual "repairs" that I've seen you folks post here. But I can't find the
cmdui.prf file, and I have not "repaired" IE [seem like it would take a long
time, and I don't quite understand the process as explained on the MS site;
is that really needed?]
(C) Of course, the above implies that on my system, FP2003 also does not
open last Web site automatically that I had opened when starting up FP2003,
since it can't find the Web server...
(D) Also, the only way that I can open my web site is going to the menu:
File > Recent Sites > 1. http://Bernard-Wotton/TheRockMCC.org ... None of
the other ways work...
(E) Also, every time after I open my web site, a dialog box pops up saying:
"Recalculate Hyperlinks: This Web site contains an out of date text index.
Recalculate content for this site? (This may take several minutes). Yes No
" I always click Yes. Why does it do this? I may at times open FP 5 or 6
times during the course of some days to work on updating my web site, and all
of the above happens each time I open FP2003...
Of course, the main thing is that I can edit and add pages to my web site
and publish them to my host site, but the above are little annoyances that
bug me when starting up FP2003. Thanks for answers in helping explain things.
Thanks, Bernard Leon
These 5 questions concerns starting up FrontPage 2003 and opening my main
web site... (I have other questions concerning coding, and publishing the
web site to my host, but those later...)
(A) Every time I open FrontPage 2003 to continue working on my web site, I
get the following error: [either (a) when I first open the FP2003 program,
or (b) when I first try to open my current web site]
"Could not find a Web server at `Bernard-Wotton` [my computer's name].
Please check to make sure that the Web server name is valid [it is] and your
proxy settings are set correctly [don't use them, have DSL service]. If you
are sure that everything is correct, the Web server may be temporarily out of
Concerning (a) after I click OK, I can then open my web site.
Concerning (b) after I click ok, and try the second time, the web site
opens in FP.
If my Web server (IIS 5.1) is "temporarily out of service", how do I put it
back in service whenever my computer starts up, or I open the FP program?
Trying the second time seems to "wake" it up... Is there some setting I'm
missing, or have set wrong?
(B) I have more questions, but this bugs me every time I startup FrontPage
2003. I'm using Windows XP Pro. I've searched some, and have read many, many
of the posts you folks post to the newsgroup, and I have tried most of the 6
sual "repairs" that I've seen you folks post here. But I can't find the
cmdui.prf file, and I have not "repaired" IE [seem like it would take a long
time, and I don't quite understand the process as explained on the MS site;
is that really needed?]
(C) Of course, the above implies that on my system, FP2003 also does not
open last Web site automatically that I had opened when starting up FP2003,
since it can't find the Web server...
(D) Also, the only way that I can open my web site is going to the menu:
File > Recent Sites > 1. http://Bernard-Wotton/TheRockMCC.org ... None of
the other ways work...
(E) Also, every time after I open my web site, a dialog box pops up saying:
"Recalculate Hyperlinks: This Web site contains an out of date text index.
Recalculate content for this site? (This may take several minutes). Yes No
" I always click Yes. Why does it do this? I may at times open FP 5 or 6
times during the course of some days to work on updating my web site, and all
of the above happens each time I open FP2003...
Of course, the main thing is that I can edit and add pages to my web site
and publish them to my host site, but the above are little annoyances that
bug me when starting up FP2003. Thanks for answers in helping explain things.
Thanks, Bernard Leon