I would like to show an RSS feed from Weather.com. They provide the code
such as the following, but it doesn't actually display when I insert it into
the HTML area of my web page. Does anyone know how to display and RSS feed
in FrontPage like this?
I'm new to RSS, so I'm probably missing something important.
Here's the code Weather.com generated:
<div id="wx_module_3788">
<a href="http://www.weather.com/weather/local/03833">Exeter Weather
Forecast, NH (03833)</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Locations can be edited manually by updating 'wx_locID' below. Please
also update */
/* the location name and link in the above div (wx_module) to reflect any
changes made. */
var wx_locID = '03833';
/* If you are editing locations manually and are adding multiple modules
to one page, each */
/* module must have a unique div id. Please append a unique # to the div
above, as well */
/* as the one referenced just below. If you use the builder to create
individual modules */
/* you will not need to edit these parameters. */
var wx_targetDiv = 'wx_module_3788';
/* Please do not change the configuration value [wx_config] manually -
your module */
/* will no longer function if you do. If at any time you wish to modify
this */
/* configuration please use the graphical configuration tool found at */
/* https://registration.weather.com/ursa/wow/step2 */
such as the following, but it doesn't actually display when I insert it into
the HTML area of my web page. Does anyone know how to display and RSS feed
in FrontPage like this?
I'm new to RSS, so I'm probably missing something important.
Here's the code Weather.com generated:
<div id="wx_module_3788">
<a href="http://www.weather.com/weather/local/03833">Exeter Weather
Forecast, NH (03833)</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Locations can be edited manually by updating 'wx_locID' below. Please
also update */
/* the location name and link in the above div (wx_module) to reflect any
changes made. */
var wx_locID = '03833';
/* If you are editing locations manually and are adding multiple modules
to one page, each */
/* module must have a unique div id. Please append a unique # to the div
above, as well */
/* as the one referenced just below. If you use the builder to create
individual modules */
/* you will not need to edit these parameters. */
var wx_targetDiv = 'wx_module_3788';
/* Please do not change the configuration value [wx_config] manually -
your module */
/* will no longer function if you do. If at any time you wish to modify
this */
/* configuration please use the graphical configuration tool found at */
/* https://registration.weather.com/ursa/wow/step2 */