David said:
Yes. You can use your own JavaScript. See
http://javascript.internet.com for samples
You could use this JavaScript. It is a slightly amended version of the JS
generated by Spawn
function spawnJimcoPopup(url, name, options, h, w, x, y, scaleType)
var newWindow
if (scaleType == 'percent')
{ h = (h * screen.availHeight) / 100
w = (w * screen.availWidth) / 100 }
if (x == 'center')
x = (screen.availWidth - w) / 2
if (y == 'center')
y = (screen.availHeight - h) / 2
options += ',width=' + w + ',height=' + h
+ ',left=' + x + ',top=' + y
newWindow = window.open(url, name, options)
I call this by (for example):
spawnJimcoPopup ('dayborn.html','',
'180','200', 'center','500','pixel');return false;"
Parameters are:
url: URL of the window to open
name: generally blank, i.e. ''
options: a set of options - see above
h: Window height
w: Window width
x: Window offset from the left - can be "center", in which case it is
centred horizontally
y: Window offset from the top - can be "center", in which case it is centred
scaleType: If "percent", calculates h and w as percentage of window size
Trevor L.
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