First time building a web sit. When I save my web pages under my web site on
my c drive some things are saving on my desk top? I looked at the file path
and it should not be going to the desk top. How do I change that and can I
move the files to my web folder? Also, when I look at the web site to see
how it's going to look on the web my background is nor covering the whole
space. When I created the pages I used the defualt under table, lay out and
cells. Do I need to just go in there and increase the layout?
my c drive some things are saving on my desk top? I looked at the file path
and it should not be going to the desk top. How do I change that and can I
move the files to my web folder? Also, when I look at the web site to see
how it's going to look on the web my background is nor covering the whole
space. When I created the pages I used the defualt under table, lay out and
cells. Do I need to just go in there and increase the layout?