I just purchased Microsoft Frontpage 2003 and I was just wondering if I
bought a domain would this program be all I need to set up a webpage? I'm
trying to set up my own webpage for my carlot and I have seen these other
websites that you can purchace different packages from. Would I still need
those packages or could I just use Frontpage to help me out with it. I would
like to have 50-60 vehicles on there and have a new window open up for each
vehicle and I would be expecting 100-200 people visting per month maybe more.
If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
bought a domain would this program be all I need to set up a webpage? I'm
trying to set up my own webpage for my carlot and I have seen these other
websites that you can purchace different packages from. Would I still need
those packages or could I just use Frontpage to help me out with it. I would
like to have 50-60 vehicles on there and have a new window open up for each
vehicle and I would be expecting 100-200 people visting per month maybe more.
If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.