Would require hand coded ASP to evaluate the field and to determine if the data contains what looks like a link (then write the data
to the DB including a link tag around the apparent link)
- not something that can be done w/ the DBRW
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| On May 17, 3:02 pm, "Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]"
| > Using twoformfields. if the field containing the URL is called infolink,
| > and the field containing the text is called test, do this (courtesy of
| > Stefan in another thread):
| >
| > In the cell displaying the DBRW fields:
| >
| > <a href="<%=FP_Field(fp_rs,"infolink")%>"><%=FP_FieldVal(fp_rs,"test")%></a>
| >
| > --
| >
| > ~ Kathleen Anderson
| > Microsoft MVP -FrontPage
| > Spider Web Woman Designs
| > web:
| > Please reply to the newsgroup for the benefit of others
| >
| >
| > | >
| >
| >
| > >I am using the DB fromfrontpageand the results page. The thing is
| > > that i dont want the entire area to be one link. If I make the field
| > > as a hyperlink every thing they type will be one big hyperlink that
| > > wont work. I want them to be able to type in what ever text they want
| > > and a hyper link and actually work on the results page. Right now i
| > > have a set up where they click a button to insert the link html and
| > > they fill in the information. <a href=" "> </a></p> This is not user
| > > friendly. I also am using a script that allows the fields to be
| > > formated.< %=Replace(FP_Field(fp_rs,"Resolution"), VbCr, "<br>")%> Is
| > > there something that i can add to this to allow links? Again i dont
| > > want to make the entire field a link.- Hide quoted text -
| >
| > - Show quoted text -
| I was thinking about that, using 2 fields, but the guy im doing the
| site for doesn't want that. He wants people to be able to say what
| ever they want in the field and if they want to put in a link they
| can. The link has to show up as a link. Is there any way to do that.