Frontpage 2000 locks up on loading




I'm using FP 2000 and when I now try and run FP it locks
up as soon as I try to start it and the whole system
hangs. I've uninstalled the software and reinstalled but
the same problem persists.

As this is an upgrade version to FP98 I've tried starting
up FP98 prior to intalling the FP 2000 software and FP98
ran fine.

I've tried installing the F98 + FP2000 to a new formatted
drive and this time it works fine.

However, I would like to get it working on my orginal
drive as I've loads and loads of software on it. I'm
assuming that something in the registry is causing a
problem. I've been into the registry and deleted a number
of FP related keys but still the same problem persists.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem ?

Many thanks,


Kathleen Anderson [MVP- FP]

Find and delete the cmdui.prf file for FrontPage - this is the file that stores your customizations and preferences for the FrontPage Menu and it will get rebuilt, using the defaults, the next time you start FrontPage.


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Spider Web Woman Designs

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