frontlines fuel of war---not working

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thaiboxer74 said:
Game was released before it was ready. $50 wasted until patches are
More reason to start using platform games. Going to buy a PS3 and NOT
What a giant piss off. Good luck trying to return software for a cash
refund also.
Thanks Microsoft and Kaos!!!!

Heh, I can reproduce a crash on the 360 version of Halo 3, Call of Duty, and Portal (Orange box), if you think console games are more stable than PC games, you are kidding yourself. Sounds more like you're having problems getting the game to run correctly on your system, something consoles don't suffer as badly from, which is what I really like about them.

So which is it? Are you having problems getting the game to run, or are you just getting reproducible crashes? System specs please.

FYI, PS3 sucks balls, especially if you like playing online games, or FPS games. :) If you're looking forward to MGS4 and FFXIII (1-3) then I guess go PS3. The Blu-Ray player is nice, but honestly, XBox + XBox Live is a lot of fun, and works so much better than anything else out there.

Everyone says this will be PS3's year, well dua, everyone has a 360 already.

Good luck dude.
thaiboxer74 said:
Okay, I got the game to work though it's as buggy as hell, at least it
Put in DVD 1 and wait until the screen comes up with the FFOW menu.
Then chose play.
When the screen comes up saying whatever it says about the disk not
being the original, put disk 2 in and hit RETRY. Wait for a minute, and
the game will load up.
Strange, but it works.

Sounds like a scratched CD to me. You could always just leave disc 2 in and run the game from the Games Explorer.