So what you're saying is to raise the literacy rate is to lower the
standard. Yah right, that will work fine.
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > Hey, I can speak several dialects of street-speak none of which anyone
| > would why would I ? Language is intended as a means of
| > communication, if you want to be taken seriously you should speak the
| > language of wherever you are...if you were in France would you speak
| > and expect them to accomodate you? Doubt it.
| >
| > If you expect help here you need to make yourself understood here...not
| > your world.
| >
| > Many of us here answer hundreds of questions a day, if we have to stop
| > decipher your message you are less likely to get an answer.
| >
| > You would show us your problem by posting the URL to the specific
| > that you are having a problem with.
| >
| >
| >
| > | > | Ok, I get it - I'm suposed to leev Rob's message belo & tipe my anser
| > heer.
| > | So far 2 ansers, neither of wich gave me enny help. But at leest sum
| > | interest was shown in my spelling.
| > | Rob's effort to mok my spelling looks like wot a spelchecker would cum
| > | with. eg sew for so. I rite in the house stile of the Simplified
| > Spelling
| > | Society, English, unlike uther languages,
| > | nevver been propperly edited as pronunciations changed. It is in
| > | need of an update. Ours is a mild proposed revision, & is eesy to
| > cf.
| > | to Rob's mockery of it. Try to stop thinking of inglish spelling as
| > sacred.
| > | God didnt necessarily rite it the way u lernd it. Erly dutch printers
| > | unfamilliar with inglish did much of the dammage, unwittingly. Plus
| > a
| > | mixture of 4 language roots that hav nevver been harmonized. Meenwile
| > | guess I hav to struggle on with my website alone....
| > |
| > | Rob, I'd be happy to sho u wot I meen. Do u kno of a way I could sho
| > | Theo Halladay [scoolmarm]
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Refarmd speling is sew deestractin maks it diffakult 2 deecern ur
| > | >
| > | > Maybe you could just show us what you mean?
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > | In Front Page for Office 2000, templates offerd include a LH
collum [I
| > use
| > | > | reformd spelling] with sample heddings & numberd lines for text.
| > | > Directions
| > | > | say replace thees with yor text. But thare seem to be principles
| > | > governing
| > | > | the placement of text. Dus ennyone kno wot thees ar?
| > | > | For example wen I hit spacer it makes a space on eech side of the
| > cursor,
| > | > | so as to sepparate peeces of text from eech uther in both
| > Ar
| > | > | thare uther special rules? The lines get all skewed wen I am
| > to
| > | > use
| > | > | backspace, enter or spacer. Items jump to the next line & refuse
| > go
| > | > bak
| > | > | eeven wen thare is room for them, etc. I am trying to make a
| > with
| > | > | titles at left, leev space, then put item number to end flush with
| > rite
| > | > edge
| > | > | in eech case.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| > Rob, u acuse me of rudeness. Wot u ar actualy doing is anouncing that I
hav faled to meet yor standard of wot u considder corect spelling. Think
agen about the spelling u & all of us lernd. Conventional & customary it
is. Considderd to be corect by lots of peeple it is. Corect it aint.
Sensible it aint.
| U ask wy would I use street spelling? I mite eeven go that far, if I
| that is the way future generations wil be riting. They arnt far off. I
| the list of misspellings that Linus came up with in a reecent Peanuts
| & they make mor sense than the 'corect' TS [traditional spelling].
| U and yor teckie frends pride themselvs on being up-to-date. Let's aply
| that same spirit to nglish riting. That way the amount of illiteracy in
| US mite stop climing & start dropping. Far from being rude, I am doing u
| favor of jogging yor mind.
| We of the American Literacy Council etc. ar ridiculed - I'm used to that.
| They ridicule us for our efforts. We ar finaly getting sum favorable
| atention, tho not, obviusly, from this group. I'v nevver met a mor rude
| group of respondents than the last 3 on this blog. Not one word of help
| the lot of u. Nevver mind. I'm ressling with my table of contents by
| myself, no thanks to u. I'v at leest found it a bit eesier wen I aline
| evrything left & abandon the atempt to include the number of the article.
| But the program is stil uncooperativ. It needs work.
| Theo Halladay [scoolmarm]